The 25 most important inventions in food and drink - the business insider

Posted : Friday, 22 April 2011

"I could not simply cooking without My…" Cast iron skillet? Ginsu knives? Mixer? Mickey Mouse waffle iron?Everyone, the food at home (or professional, for that matter) has prepared an implement or appliance or five or ten of them, that they are considering for their culinary practices. Role but how many of these things really in the grand scheme of things? How many really important, or at least very important are the preparation - and the ultimate consumption - food (and let's drink in here also, just washing you there with everything to below)?We sat around them speak one day and came up with the obvious candidates: pots and pans, a knife, oven, the (hey,

we are up to date here close to) eat Processor… Then someone said, well, what about what no one invented, but someone found out, or made usable - how, uh, fire, without the cooking as we would understand never to have been born? And what about methods which gather, store, or maintain it, towards the taming it? We started a list, including not only things we (salt, square grater) but also natural phenomena (fermentation) in our own kitchens and have special tools (sous-vide equipment - the we in our own kitchens not yet).We decided to make miraculous innovations, which was true building blocks of civilization, such as bread, wine, cheese, vinegar, bacon cheeseburger-, salt and gelling agents although we have included two substances which we take from food.

We is planted and harvested all vehicles and equipment with the food left out (with an exception; see below); We left out broad concepts as the domestication of animals and the development of genetic studies, although both have obviously had tremendous impact on what and how we eat (among others); We decided, means of the communication of information about food, are from the book, we ended up with iPad.What is a list of things that we, Yes, just not - could cooking and/or eating or drinking - without. We use such information brochures, selective and subjective were as usual. We have probably missed some obvious and important elements, and we have openly allows us to have here and there a little fun. Should choose you gather yourself such a list, it would be of course almost certainly not the same as ours. We would love to hear your nominations for things we should have included (use the "Add A comment"). But first, take a look at the 50 most important inventions (and discoveries) foods in our opinion, and drinks are in the list below. This post originally appeared on the daily meal.

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